World Alzheimer's Day

World Alzheimer’s Day (21 September)
Some of us have experienced the pain, difficulties and frustration of taking care of our close ones, who suffer from Dementia or Alzheimer’s. Today, we take a look at a son’s love for his father and how he has to travel 5000 miles round-trip every week to take care of his father.
“There have been many emotional moments. Most recently my father has lost the ability to shave, and I helped shave him for the first time. He laughed and smiled and thanked me as I cleared his whiskers. As a young man, my father was the one who taught me how to shave my chin. So this latest change was symbolic. And it was saddening. But it was my honor, too. I want to be the one who shaves him every day – but I can’t.” Richard Lui.
Read his story at”