World Heart Day (29 September)
World Heart Day (29 September 2017)
Cardiovascular Diseases is the number one cause of death worldwide and account for more than 17.3 million deaths every year. The good news is, most of the major cardiovascular disease risk factors can be controlled.
This World Heart Day, let us start by making small changes to improve our heart health:
Get Active – 30 minutes of activity a day can help prevent heart attack and stroke.
Stop smoking and protect yourself from tobacco – The risk of coronary heart disease will be halved within a year after you stop smoking.
Eat healthy – Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, lean meat, fish, peas, beans, lentils, and food low in saturated fats.
Maintain a healthy weight – Keep track of your BMI. A healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2.
Know your numbers – Have your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels checked regularly.
Learn more about World Heart Day and Cardiovascular Diseases at